

The basic principles of naturopathy

The basic principles of naturopathy are the legacy from the time of Hippocrates school :

Nature has the power to cure

Identify and treat the cause, not just a symptom

Treat the entire physical, mental and spiritual being

Do not harm

Encourage people with prevention – Prevention Rather Than Cure

Act as a teacher

History of Naturopathy:

The principles of naturopathy among the first applied by Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates and his medical school about 400 g. BC. Hippocrates believed in the importance of treating the entire body in order to find the cause of the disease and found that it is extremely important to treat in accordance with the laws of nature.

The harmony of body has been achieved with diet, water treatments (hydrotherapy), rest, sun and fasting. Hippocrates taught that the life force created the universe and nature, passing through the man, but thereof disorders in humans lead to disease.

For him, health is a term for the harmonic balance between the different components of human nature, environment and lifestyle. That is why the nature is the best doctor – Vis medicatrix naturae.

Man has always been a part of nature and the universe, and health could be achieved only by living in harmony with nature. Hippocrates and his students understood that if you restore the life force, the body will naturally heal itself.

In the following conditions it can often help Naturopathy

Doctors of Naturopathy are trained in a wide range approaches and treatments, and accordingly they are capable of treating a wide range of acute and chronic diseases and conditions:

Weakened immune system

Allergy, Asthma

Diseases of the respiratory tract

Cardiovascular disease

Endocrine disorders

Rheumatic diseases

Gynaecological disorders

Skin disorders

Infectious diseases

Urological problems


Stress, fatigue

Depression and fear

Weight disorders

Tumors (support to conventional approaches)